Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New blog site

New blog site- http://meichee22.wordpress.com/

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

live in this moment

viewed back my previous posts which are three or fours years ago,just found that I used to be a person that write anything that happened on me in this blog
Whether sad,embarrass or happy,I just poured them out in this blog.
Luckily I didnt delete this blog but I had abandoned it for few months.
I felt great to look back my previous posts,those posts were funny and straightforward.
They remind me how naive and happy go lucky I was before and those remarkable moments in my life.
Cant deny I wish to back in that time,not saying that I am not happy right now.
Just think that those years were the best things ever.
I used to be kinda "emo" in the midnight and every is fine in the next morning.
Sometimes over thinking and worry about lil things
Friendship is the best god's gift for me.
Miss my Oh Baby suddenly although we meet each other frequently.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Stressful exam

Nov is quite a stressful month for me coz I had to sit for sem 3 exam and resiting papers.
Sem 3 exam I found it okay and satisfied but it's too early to say before the results is released.
What I felt very stress was the resit papers,my god the damn sem 1 math!
It was the toughest maths among the three sems.
I spent hours to study each chapter but some still cant get it.
So,Wed was math sem 1.Honestly,I think the paper was harder than last time and I think the grade most probably will be worst than last year. *depressed
Studied so hard,what the reward I got was bad performance.Maybe i dont have time to prepare enough coz only one week break after the sem 3 exam.
Besides,I also retake bio sem 1 and 2.Actually I quite regret that i retake Bio sem 1 coz the grade is considered not bad but then I was a lil greedy.
Yesterday sit for the bio sem 1,the objectives and structural question a bit easy but come to essay part,I felt like shit.My brain cant function properly and I had choosen the tough question to do,silly me!Felt disappointed  for myself,wasted money to retake the paper and make me feel bad.
I have to woke early to study and my skin condition was purely bad.The allergic skin is back :(
I am tired and feel like giving up to study for the bio sem 2. The test is next Thurs.
I dont know i can make it anot.I had no choice and try to study as much as I can. *fingercrossed
Seem like I am not suitable for second chance.I only do the best in first chance.
But what I felt luckily was I not doing well in the resit paper not the real exam so that I wouldnt retake the papers again.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Run For Peace

Last Sunday,went to join for the event Run For Peace which was organized by Non's SGM.Karyi and Loong were joining too.Although woke up early at 5am but still had lot of fun with my two besties.Of course,we're not running but walking is tiring enough for us.

    Leave my signature,I looked like a star xD

I dont know why the photos taken out from phone become so smaller in size aldy. *ishhh
Nice jersey

Pinkiee peoples start running.Non was so excited to see her favourite color anywhere.

Capture,capture and capture time again

Monday, August 19, 2013

Malacca Two Day One Night Trip with Classmates

The Gang

    The Trio-Couples

    Dessert after eating chicken rice

Bought a bracelet with Chelly and Sunny at Mahkota Parade.The bracelet with 旋转木马 is mine one =D

(Outside our temporary home,it might outlook may seem like usual,but inside definitely will surprise you)

    The Living Room!A small tv.U can choose some dvds  to watch

    Some beautiful and heart-warming decoration in the living room too.There's some magic pens and books for us to leave msg to the owner

    U might leave ur photo too!

(Our dining table)

    (Chelly,Sunny and I are sleeping here.There are three some more bedrooms,each with different decorations)

    (Outside the house)

(Click the link above if you want to about the homestay)

    (First time satay celup and it was so tasty!The journey to satay celup shop just 5 mins from the house.)

     (111 sticks from 7 person xD)

I,Sunny and Chelly 'celup' together!

and the night we celebrate her BIG DAY.Chet Faye,Happy Birthday ;)

Chet Faye and her bf,Wesley.This guy was very nervous to give Chet Faye surprise

Before we went to Jonker Street at night,we go for The Baboon House.

    Aloha Cheeseburger in Baboon House(near Jonker Street).The burger is so delicious but what I need to complain is the burger is just average size.

The Malacca trip went quite well and everyone have fun especially the night we spent in the house,playing games until midnight.And some of us was scared coz they watched The Conjuring.They even affected me. -.-

Monday, August 12, 2013


Almost half year I didn't blog already.Friends,Teng aldy complained to me that why others and I stop blogging.I asked her to blog,she told me she is more interested to stalk people than people stalk her.Jin Teng!I'm busy in my study plus I have nothing to blog.My life is ordinary enough.

Two weeks of holidays and all I did was eat,sleep and play.I remember only one particular moment that I was studying Biology.How come I am so lazy,other people already started to working up but me...*speechless Hopefully,I will finished up my homeworks and do some revision before the holidays ended this week.

Now.the hottest topic is Triumph In The Skies II.I never missed this drama.Watch it everyday.Sometimes,watch the same episode few times.Plus,I rewatch Triumph In The Skies I xD.
And thank you,Non for her birthday party.Really had a great time on that day.Hope u like our present.

    p/s:So Jwen,you're here?!

Monday, January 28, 2013


Went to watch Hansel&Gretel with Jwen,Pei Shi,Teng,Sakura and Loong.
What the?!people study.I hang out.I'm quite lazy recently =/
It was an interesting movie and of course with handsome actors and actress.
My gawd,Mina and Gretel are so pretty and also Hansel who I used to him Hawkeye coz he act as Hawkeye in the Avenger.
Wanted to watch Mama actually but only Jwen,Loong and me dared to watch only.
All of them scare,what?Teng scare?Finally somethings scare her.Keke xDDD
Thought Pei Shi will watch,but she let us down.
Nvm la,will find a day watch with Jwen them.
Feel like long time didn't meet Deryin,Cat and Non,especially Non.LOL,just two weeks didn't meet only.
Don't know why feel that she has been going far far away.Hhhah
Sei cat,busy dating with others -.-
and Deryin,welcome back to M'sia.I bet u had fun in your HK trip,right?Waiting for our souvenirs nia~
Waiting for the CNY Gathering ^^

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