Sunday, April 25, 2010

I hope I can handle it all

The midyear exam is around the corner liao...Now only left 23 days but I still surfing net,watching tv and watch movie on9...Dun noe how to scored the exam leh and I dun wan bad result..I have no choice and just study lol..Bio ,Chemis and Physics essei ....Dun noe how to write...the teachers also no teache us...Mei Mc Chee,wait for die la u...Sejarah until Bab 4...WTF about 108 pages...BM kertas 1-KOMSAS...nid to hafal all...Pn Ho still lazy and love to geh boBI esei-the directed writing and the shit goldfish teacher...,BC-wen yan wen fan yi and gai shu wen zhang...Cik Lee normal liao after hit her hands but not head...Add maths scared the questions are stupid careless wil not occur again after the 1st test,my father-in-law not bad in teaching us,Math ok lol...not very difficult and I love Kim Lian...she still very over hardworking ex 3B love her..PM-ok lol,only nid to hafal kata kunci and definisi and format,my mother-in-law Ai Ni very gud with us like friends and give me eat in class(love her)only the sounds a bit...(4B noe geh)..I dun wan let my family disappointed..They put a lot of hope 4 me..If i dun achieve I will fell sorry to them..

Now become pengerusi of the stupid PSS..haiz also dun noe how to menjalankan the tugas..I not very happy with my post although I become dai jie in the PSS but PSS is S*H*I club d but nid to many things...But gud is Jia Xuan become setiausaha and May Ting become bendahari..It is okay we can link together..Tan luan luan lai d and stil wan to play...Luckily can get bonus for me-the passive student in KK..Mei Mc Chee,only nid to patient for one year only...Sometimes I also wan the PSS disappear coz very fan leh especially Pn Devi.her look look like haf chinese and half india and I always face to her...ok lol i just wan to tahan u one year then I can say bye bye to you,it is no point if I give up tahan to her after tahan her already 2 years..

~Mei Mc Chee blah finished already,it's time to say bye bye to my lovely fans~

*Hope BB Family will have nice day and need to serious already and dont play play again XD*

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spendthrift in someways-Food

Yesterday went Jusco coz felt very boring and unhappy in home...If I went Jusco,my unhappy and boring feeling will suddenly disappeared geh..Okay dun say me so yeng...Me ah,every month must go Jusco d at least twice time except exam only...

The only thing pity is when I go Jusco must spend money d for buying magazines and food...How greedy I am....
Yesterday many families went Jusco( I dun like )Nothing to do in Jusco lol...Just accompany with my bro and sis to play the basketball(everytime they go Jusco must play d,dun noe why)Then,went to buy my favourite magazine-Galaxy...This week Galaxy's cover very nice..

Then,I felt very thirsty so I nid a drink but I only wan hot d becoz aldy two day already ate the green tea ice kacang in 100YEN shop..The green tea ice kacang nice dao...I am a very fussy person in eating..I dun wan mineral water then I asked my bro for idea..Then he said Starbucks Coffee,okay lol I accepted his idea...I saw Winson and his son in there(not the first time lol)..His son very look after him..

I choose the hot walzenut hot cholocate...My sis said she wan brought Secret Recipe's cake and I said yes lol...coz they attract me wor and I very greedy in food no matter how much price they are...My sis chose New York Cheese and I chose XX Chocolate Cake...Paid money in counter,my sis told me to ask waiter for giving me forks...Then he blur blur ,he asked me want box or folks..Then I said folks then he cincai give me many forks..Aiyo very embarrassing...

The hot chocolate very warmed my heart and very nice to drink..I love the cup cover..At home nothing to do...Wash the cup then use a marker pen to write and draw something on it...Come out a very beautiful effect me very creativity in drawing(dun say me zi lian okay?,I noe yours all agreed d)Later taste a bti the cake ,okay lol but as nice as the last time I chose the cake..Download songs via LimeWire..Revision a bit then slept at about 3am...





Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ah Noun Get Well Soon...4B miss U!

Already 2 days didn't saw Ah Noun..Really miss u ah although u are always chit-chat loudly,
a bit 'fan' but I sudah biasa jor...First time I thought Ah Noun only had a fever,few days can recover...But today she sms to me that she kena denggi already and in the hospital KPJ...
I was very 'xia dao yi xia'...Shit bb mosquito go to eat Ah Noun although her skin was very
white and look like taste was very gud...But f***k mosquito u cant eat her leh..
Ah Noun,BB family will very miss u..One week didn't came to school really didn't biasa eh...
I think Ah Teng also...We still miss ur lousy noice and ask us very stupid question...

*Ah Noun,I hope and pray u will fast fast get well

~Good Luck To You,Ah Noun~
Publish Post

Monday, April 5, 2010

First Time Hang Out With Ah Toh and Chelly

Last Saturday,Ah Toh,Chelly and I didn;t go to school for KK(3rd times already)coz we had a plan-hang out at Jusco to watch How To Train Your Dragon...Ah Toh arrived first then I called her to buy the movie's tickets and she said she buy the seat is fourth row count from the in front...I said why u so 'dun' we sit in front is not gud d and not comfortable d..She gave the respond is laugh(she always like tis) I forgave her of her cuteness...She dress so cute-short skirt(same wif me and her sis),hair band,handbag,high heels shoes but not as high as she wear to Hawaii d shoes(we all also wear high heels,Chelly was the highest one)..The last arrived was Chelly...Her looked very silly and she wear a pairs of sharp silver high heel shoes(I love her shoes)..Ah Toh-she shopping at....(Yours all must noe d) watson to look for her make up item and Vincci to look for her high heels shoes..Tat day Ah Toh's make up was quite pretty but if she take off her spectacles will went upstairs to buy popcorn and coke lol...Then found the seat in cinema...found found found..can't found the seat...Actually the seats was fourth row counted from the back row...I want killed Ah Toh ..She kacau salah already..Haiz dun wan said her jor...She look a bit 'sa' but scored very high mark in Add Maths and Mathematics(She is an abnormal person same with Chellly)Both also so geng..In the cinema,,we talked a bit...Ah Toh was scared by the movie's scene about 3 times and she laughed also...Chelly and I bek tahan liao..Chelly also acted very silly and she stand up and sat down...disturbed the people in the back..
How To Train Your Dragon is more nice than Alice In The Wonderland(actually not bad but not good also,only the dei b ppl said very nice like Ah Toh and Ting Ma..First time,I thought the movie was very childish coz the movie's name not suitable to the movie and it was not as popular as Alice In The Wonderland..But after watching the movie,I gave the thumb to the movie..I like the Night Fury Dragon(cute)..Ah Toh's family(except her father) came to Jusco...Her mum ate at Food Court....We ate at Pizza Hut...We ordered the latest pizza(not bad but not gud also)..Then Ah Toh's mum called her back and left Chelly and I...We already called our parents to fetch us..While waiting our parents,we were nothing to do until watched the aquarium(Chelly's stupid idea)..We saw Yuen Yee and her friends also..I'm sure I was the last to back home..
*First time hang out with them,the feeling was good*

*How To Train Your Dragon*-Recommended To Yours to Watch

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Addicted to Food ,Songs and Movie

Recently I addicted to FOOD,SONGS and MOVIES!!!

1.Kopitiam's Ice Chocolate
~always go Jusco my sis and I must bungkus Ice Chocolate coz it is very nice to drink...I think some waiter kenal us aldy lol and make friends with us jor lol like Ah Weng ...very paiseh everytime go there buy Ice Chocolate...Sometimes we will cal our bro to buy for us...I yesterday just drank it XD

2.McDonald's Frenchfries
~I two days eat two pack of frenchfries...I want stop it already (but need time) coz scared to die..My mum warn me not to eat much if not maybe got disease...Yesterday just ate it XD

3.Baskin-Robbins's Icecream
~Icecream, I not very addicted to it..But everytime go KL I sure want to eat it until my pocket money burst...Thursday just eat two scoops cone (mint flavour and .#@% cookies flavour)...The waiter gave me two scoops like three scoops..Very huge until I call my parents to help me to eat it.Baskin-Robbins's Icecream better we choose cone and dun choose the backet one..

1.Lady Gaga Feat Beyonce-Telephone
~I love Lady Gaga coz her songs are very powerful and make someone want to dance when hear her songs and her clothes are very weird but fashion...

2.Black Eyed Peas-Imma Be and Rock That Body
~Black Eyed Peas new album is many great songs in there...and my buddies very fond to Black Eyed Peas especially their two hit songs-Boom Boom Pow and I Gotta Feeling...

~Rock That Body~

~Imma Be~

3.Taio Cruz-Break Your Heart
~I also dun neo who this artis is he..But I sure my buddies will like this songs...


Clash of The Titans
~First time I watched the trailer at cinema...Very yeng leh the trailer and very ''ci ji'...Tis movie sure nice than Alice In The Wonderland..I also download this movie hd video in my computer and my phone also got...I watch tis trailer many times...

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